What Food Can I Leave Out for the Mama Bird to Help Feed Her Babies

What you can and what you cannot feed your ducks is a topic that can arm-twist heated debate, just as it often does when the aforementioned question is posed virtually whatsoever type of livestock.

Searching online for answers to the safe duck treats vs. toxic duck treats can exist quite a frustrating try. 1 website volition have the same item on a condom or in limited amounts column every bit another will have in the toxic never feed category.

The duck food information and lists you will discover in this New Life On A Homestead article were compiled from primarily my own many years of duck husbandry experience, tips from other homesteaders who accept also kept ducks for a long time, chats with our livestock vet, and from a fleck of cross-referenced online inquiry.

Duck Eating Habits

Ducks, like chickens, are omnivorous poultry birds. They are avid browsers and foragers, and tend to chomp their beautiful trivial beaks onto anything that intrigues them.

On average, ducks consume virtually seven ounces (approximately 200 grams), and two cups of food daily when mature.

If y'all are raising ducks for meat, the amount of food provided is usually increased. A higher protein and calcium diet tin can foster both improve quality and quantity of eggs.

We free range our ducks and chickens most days, so they have ample access to their natural diet.

On days when they are left inside their spacious run and during evening put up, they are given healthy treats.

Nature knows best, and so I try to keep the daily feed rations and supplements equally shut to what the ducks would encounter in the wild as possible.

Typical Wild Duck Diet

When ducks are left to their own devices in the wild or when costless ranging, these are the commonly available (and healthy) food sources they volition be attracted to the most:

  • Tadpoles and frogs
  • Salamanders and various other pocket-sized amphibians
  • Wild berries
  • Fish eggs and pocket-sized fish
  • Grass, weeds, and leaves
  • Worms
  • Snails
  • Slugs
  • Mollusks
  • Crawdads and other small-scale crustaceans
  • Aquatic plants and their roots
  • Algae
  • Insects – both on land and in the water: hornworms and tater bugs tend to exist their favorites.
  • Nuts
  • Wild fruit

Ducks also require some type of grit in their diet – gravel, san, or crushed shells. The grit helps the birds to assimilate their food properly and also infuses trace amounts of calcium and other vital minerals into their diet.

Duck Treats as a Grooming Tool

Supplying extra healthy treats and proper feed helps ensure all of the ducks' nutritional needs are being met.

A duck with a poor diet can suffer convenance failures, stunted growth, poor muscle development, and low feather growth and strength ratios.

I begin giving our ducks, chickens, and guineas a healthy treat at dusk when they are withal itty bitty and living in a brooder equally function of their grooming. The birds all learn to converge in or near their coop and run (or the brooder door) when the lord's day starts to become down.

Certain, an ornery bird will still sometimes make me requite chase to get information technology to go inside its home in the evening, but that is a rarity.

All of the birds know if they are late for "bill and bill count" they will not be getting a treat that day.

What Ducks Can Consume

Chick Starter – This blazon of poultry bird manufactured ration is designed to exist fed to chicks, ducklings, and keets – babe guineas. Information technology tin can exist purchased in either medicated or unmedicated course.

The young poultry birds consume this easily digestible and tiny crumble style of feed rich in proteins and essential nutrients. The little flock members should be on this type of feed for about one month.

Crumble Feed – Some folks believe that crumble can crusade choking, simply in my feel, pellet feed stands more of a chance of doing that – especially in ducks.

Developing poultry birds as well as their mature counterparts can eat this type of feed daily along with natural and healthy treat supplements.

Layer Pellets – While drakes and roosters (male poultry birds) tin eat this type of feed, it is designed for both duck and chicken hens of laying age.

Brew – This soft granular type of feed is a mixture of crumble and scratch in texture. It includes footing up cracked corn, which ducks really dear. Some members of my flock, both past and present, absolutely dearest mash feed – but others hate information technology terribly.

My current batch of ducklings and keets just transitioned to brew from chick starter and really like it, but my mature flock members would but consume information technology if they were starving.

Scratch – While scratch feed is most frequently fed to chickens, ducks volition eat information technology likewise. Some keepers contend that ducks dearest scratch and pecking on the ground like chickens. This has not been my feel at all, but I do no dubiousness that some duck breeds could very well dear information technology.

ducks drinking water

Duck Watering Tips

To aid continue a steady supply of clean water in your duck hut and coop (I raise my ducks with my chickens and roosters) I recommend using a hanging waterer. Ducks are messy, and will get their feed, mud, and feces into a standing waterer.

Ducklings are voracious eaters. If they practice not have plenty h2o to wash down their feed information technology can go stuck in their crop and cause a potentially mortiferous infection – or outright choking.

Ducks drink a lot – I hateful a whole lot, of water. The five ducklings we recently hatched are drinking nearly five gallons of water a day.

Those little Bricklayer jar style waterers on display in the poultry section of agriculture stores when they host "chick days" twice each yr work fine for chicks, but you would take to refill it hourly if using it with ducklings.

Natural and Free Range Snacks for Ducks

  • Weeds and Herbs – When left to their own devices gratuitous ranging, ducks will seek out dandelion, wheatgrass, parsley, rosemary, oregano, rosemary, calendula, and mint. If you exercise non permit your duck flock to free range, but selection any of these items and place them into the run as a gratuitous choice treat. The herbs all agree medicinal properties that aid boost a bird's immune system and thwart respiratory infections.
  • Insects – A duck volition eat whatever former bug, and it will fine. Equally long as you provide a constant water source, ducks can be placed in a "chicken tractor" or growing area edge run, and help keep bugs out of your garden. It is also quite fun to spotter a flock of ducks spring with excitement and and so run water hornworms, June bugs, and white potato bugs.
  • Worms – Mealworms, whether found in your 1000 or purchased from a store, are always a favorite care for for ducks. The flock will become extremely excited when it rains, considering worms will be moved closer to the surface, and brand them far easier to snatch up with reckless abandon.
  • Grass – When exposed to grass in their run or when gratis ranging, ducks will seek out grasses and seed heads of all sorts.
  • Tadpoles and Fish Eggs – Ducks will definitely go on the number of noisy bullfrogs downwardly in your homestead swimming. They love to eat tadpoles and fish eggs with whatever take a chance they get.
  • Wild Berries – Unless you do not mind sharing the wild berries on your homestead with the duck flock, you had better keep them fenced in. Ducks are not picky, they will readily consume cultivated berry bushes as well, specially black raspberries.
  • Sunflower Seeds – Whatever type of sunflower seeds will delight your flock of ducks, but blackness oil sunflower seeds tend to be their favorites.

Safe Treats For Ducks

These treats tin be given in moderation on a daily basis. It is always all-time to give treats only after the flock has eaten their daily feed ration. Like kids, ducks will pick eating a treat over their regular repast every fourth dimension.


  • Broccoli
  • Cucumbers
  • Corn – cracked corn or cooked corn on the cob poses the fewest choking concerns.
  • Peas
  • Cooked beans
  • Kale
  • Lettuce – romaine lettuce is the about nutritious. Iceberg lettuce holds no nutrients for the ducks and should not be given with regularity. Some keepers recommend never giving iceberg lettuce, merely it doesn't damage the ducks, is easy to grow and inexpensive to buy – making information technology a great training aid in my book. Some duck keepers have witnessed scours (diarrhea) from ducks and chickens later on they eat iceberg lettuce.
  • Sliced Apples – no seeds or cores
  • Pumpkin – chopped


  • Grapes – chopped
  • Watermelon
  • Berries – raspberry, blackberry, black raspberry, strawberries, and blueberries are recommended.
  • Cantaloupe
  • Bananas


  • Oatmeal – uncooked and sprinkled onto feed or cooked. During the long cold days of winter, my ducks call up I am their hero when I arrive at the coop with a warm basin of oatmeal
  • Pasta – Cooked pasta is besides a favorite of my poultry birds. I exercise not give it daily, but in one case or twice a month as a special treat.
  • Whole Grains – Wheat, barley, and oats are the most nutritious grain treats yous tin provide your ducks and are often ingredients in homemade poultry bird feed. Beefing up the whole grain intake of the duck may help increase both the quantity and quality of eggs they produce.
  • Cooked Rice – This is also an occasional grain treat for my flocks. Fifty-fifty though some duck keepes swear it is a favorite, none of my ducks or chickens take really seemed to exist enthuse by rice snacks.
  • Brewer's Yeast – Adding a little chip of yeast to the daily nutrient ration or mixed in with good for you treats can meliorate their overall wellness and prevent food deficiencies due to its high pct of niacin.
  • Hard Boiled Eggs – Requite the flock some difficult boiled eggs to infuse more protein into their diet. Finely chopping up egg shells and tossing them on top of treats or the daily feed ration can help boost the calcium intake of the ducks – which in turn can improve egg laying and trounce hardness during the cold weather months.
duck eating bread

Controversial – Bread

Oh the controversy over bread. It does not hold whatever real nutritional value and will be gorged upon by ducks every bit they neglect their feed, if allowed. As well much staff of life can cause the ducks to become swollen or encounter digestive issues – usually temporary.

I give my ducks a modest amount of whole wheat breadstuff equally a care for, especially during training. They only get the bread in the evening after they take finished their healthy and nutrient rich food.

I always make certain they have aplenty h2o to launder the small bites downwardly with when serving it as a treat.

Fifty-fifty if I get bashed soundly online for serving small bites of bread equally treat, I am non going to modify my habits. I look at it like water ice cream and cake – fine in modest amounts in one case in a while.

My ducks have never become swollen or experienced ill effects from bread treats. They surely exercise not demand bread, and so there is no reason to feed information technology to them if doing and so seems risky to you.

What You Should Never Feed Your Ducks

Salty Foods

Never feed your ducks salty treats like chips, peanuts, or like junk nutrient items.

Citrus Foods

Eating citrus fruit may disrupt the ability to properly absorb calcium in ducks. When a duck'southward calcium content is depression her egg laying habits will likely decrease and the shells will exist thin and suspension easily.


Like citrus fruits, spinach can also crusade bug with the calcium absorption of the ducks, and cause weak eggs.


Leaves and stems from potato plants are toxic to ducks, as are the vegetables they produce.

Sweet potatoes are non a function of the nightshade family only are a part of the forenoon glory family and are safe to provide to the flock every bit an occasional treat.

Green Tomatoes

Because they are office of the nightshade family, and contain a toxin called solanine, these too are toxic to ducks. Solanine is known to impale cerise blood cells, cause heart failure, and scours.

Some keepers chop up red tomatoes and give to ducks as a once-in-a-while care for because they are supposed to be condom. I have opted to merely skip tomatoes birthday equally treats due to worries over toxicity.


This vegetable is also a member of the nightshade family unit and is therefore toxic to ducks, and should never be given as a treat.


Practice non ever give your ducks sweet snacks or peculiarly chocolate – which can be toxic. The ducks are unable to procedure artificial sweets properly.

Mouldy Food

When poultry birds swallow mouldy or rotting food it tin cause deformities in offspring, hamper wing growth, and cause aspergillosis – a potentially fatal infection of the lungs.


Never feed poultry birds the skins, mankind, or pits of avocados. They are toxic to the birds and can cause myocardial necrosis.


The raw leaves from this plant contain oxalic acid, which is toxic. Consumption of rhubarb can cause sparse shelled eggs, likewise.


Ducks (and many types of livestock) cannot eat onions because they incorporate thiosulphate. This toxin kills red blood cells and can crusade both fatal anemia and jaundice hen consumed in large amounts.


Practice not requite tea, coffee, or popular to your ducks because caffeine is a methylxanthine.


Milk, yogurt, cheese, and the like can give scours to poultry birds considering their digestive systems are non set up to procedure milk sugars. Some keepers give dairy products in small amounts as a rare treat, simply I exercise not because of the take chances of potentially life threatening scours.

A toxic or allergic reaction to the consumption of specific types of nutrient might not be either immediate or visible. Sometimes the build upwards of the distressing foods accept time to build to a life threatening level.

Common symptoms that a poultry bird has consumed something harmful include: scours, rapid heartbeat, hemorrhaging, congestion, kidney failure, visceral gout, poor egg quality or reduced egg laying, or convulsions.

Ducks, similar about animals, will naturally avoid nutrient that is bad for them. But you lot must remove any potentially toxic plants or wild weeds from their free-range area or around their coop and run.

Treats, fifty-fifty good for you ones, should non be more than 10% of a duck's daily diet.

what ducks can eat pinterest
feeding ducks pin image 2


Source: https://www.newlifeonahomestead.com/what-you-can-and-cannot-feed-ducks/

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